Thank you for your interest in the Olive and Arrow Series. I pray every day that I can write a fast-paced story that you won’t be able to set down.

Just a reminder, Earn the Sunrise is now available on Amazon as an eBook for the Kindle reader or as a paperback here at Amazon. It currently has three 5-star reviews! I am exclusively published on Amazon for the moment. Most books sold world-wide come from Amazon, and they offer a pathway for me to get my stories out to you. I will likely expand the offering to Apple publishing and others, but for now, I am focused on writing the next Olive and Arrow adventure.
I do not want to give away too much about the next Olive and Arrow adventure, but I can tell you the Olive and Arrow crew will be dealing with a rescue in Nigeria. I am working a title at the moment. I will probably put the word Sambisa in the title since it sounds mysterious and that is the name of one of the predominate places the story unfolds.
The story was inspired from the real-life 2014 Boko Haram kidnapping of the Chibok Nigerian girls. One of the courageous girls, Naomi Adamu, kept a secret diary during her captivity so the world could learn of the brutal atrocities Boko Haram committed against her and the two-hundred and eighteen other girls they kept captive. I read two books on the 2014 kidnapping by authors who investigated the event and used accounts from Naomi’s diary.
When I write, I try to make the antagonists believable to give the reader some understanding of their perspective. The Boko Haram soldiers, and leadership engaged in many senseless and brutal attacks on the girls or anyone they encountered as they spread their terror across the land in Northern Nigeria. I found it very difficult to make them believable or having any redeeming qualities at all.
The stark contrast between good and evil and the struggles Colin and his friends endure are going to make this story exciting and inspiring. My goal is to get his story out by the end of this year.
As I mentioned before, I passed my level 1 test in Krav Maga at Spartan Krav Maga located in East Lansing, Michigan and I started training at level 2. Sparring became a part of the level 2 training, and this gave me a whole new perspective on fighting that helped me describe a what goes through a character’s mind in a fight.
I used my Krav Maga training in some scenes in Earn the Sunrise, but I relied more heavily on Jiu-Jitsu. In the next story, Colin will be facing a far more dangerous enemy. Stronger measures will be required to prevail. Subterfuge tactics will not avail themselves, so the deadlier moves in Krav Maga will come into play.
As an aside, if you want to really experience the closest thing to defending yourself in an actual street brawl and learn to win, you need to put the pads on and spar in Krav Maga. I learned so much about getting my mind right. Don’t turn away from a punch. Keep your hands up to protect your head. Check moves to mislead your opponent. Alternate low and high attacks. Be aggressive. Keep breathing. Don’t be nervous. Keep moving.
With a short amount of training, you will have the confidence in knowing you will not be an easy mark. You will have a plan in that spit-second, when you know you’ve got to throw down and kick some ass in order to walk out of there.

Make yourself stronger, faster and smarter.
Take Care,